Tuesday, February 6, 2024

6 Feb 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  The Sunday night public forum show from ARD  (public TV, Channel 1), the Caren Miosga Show, got kinda interesting.

It was centered around the successes/failures of the SPD-coalition gov't and featured the Vice-Chancellor (Habeck, Green Party).

At some point, Miosga asks Habeck....since it doesn't appear that the Chancellor (Scholz) knows the current pricing scheme of gas and grocery items....doesn't he (Habeck) think that politicians should be 'briefed' on such pricing?  Habeck responds in some funny way....that is the key failure of the coalition....'ignorance'.  I sat and paused over that term used.  

It's the same issue in the US.....politicians unconnected to reality.

One odd difference from the old Sunday night chat forum and the new presentation.....the old one was a group of chairs and a coffee table.  The new presentation is a round table....probably big enough to handle five people, and they all kinda 'lean' in and speak.

2.   Parking fee in Paris for SUV parking....now to be set at 18 euro per hour.  Yeah, that's a harsh reality.....will be bitter for some folks.  I would  imagine that most will start to use stores outside of the city.

3.   BMW to market a E-scooter....called CE 02.  Range?  95 km.  Hefty price?  8,600 Euro.  From what I've seen....it's an interesting look.  But if you asked who'd primarily buy it....I'd say mostly ages 16 to 25.

4.  Miele, the German company makes top class washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.....set to cut 2,000 employees worldwide.

5.  If you own a forklift or a sit-on lawnmower (even for your farm or private property)....the gov't is seeking to force you to have liability insurance of some type, in the next year.

6.  WELT had a piece discussing the German phase-out of coal by 2030 (mandated by the gov't).  In the article, they found a number of 'experts' who now believe the gov't plan is  'broke' and the 2030 date will be thrown out by the next coalition gov't (coming in 2025).  

7.  Finance Ministry 'boss' (Lindner, FDP Party) has said that he wants to end the Solidarity Tax.....in place since the Wall came down. How much comes from this tax?  Around 19 to 20 billion Euro a year.  Both the SPD and Greens got hyped up and negative over this 'talk'.  Even if he dumps it....he'd have to invent a new tax out of thin air.

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