Saturday, July 12, 2014

Storms over Village

This week was a rather odd weather week.  This shot was from my balcony in Naurod on Thursday.

I was led to my balcony when the bigger of the coon cats started demanding to enter quickly, and I stood there looking at what he apparently saw.

Black sky with swirling clouds like you'd see in Nebraska or Kansas.

Roughly three minutes passed from when I took this picture, and the rain started.  A massive rain storm probably dumped three inches of rain over the next forty-odd minutes.  Rarely do you ever get the skyline in Germany this 'black'.

Well....repeat again yesterday.  Except this time....over a five-square mile dumped just as much rain as before, and on top of that.....around an inch to two inches of hail.  The village fire department was active for at least ten hours....driving around and pumping out various basements from the houses on the bottom of the valley.

In a typical month, you might get a total of two inches of rain.  We are about forty percent through July and have gotten at least five-hundred percent of the normal rainfall....which leads you to wonder what else might come up.

And of course, the reaction of the Germans?  Global warming.

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