Thursday, March 5, 2020

Coronavirus and Germany: Update: 5 March 2020

1.  Total number of Germans infected: 262 (since day one).  Deaths: 0

2.  Focus reports that the NRW state prison system in NW Germany, has set up procedures and started limiting ensure the virus doesn't get into the system.

3.  The German hotel industry is asking for German federal help in anticipation of losses in 2020....over the virus.  No one saying an amount, but it'd probably have to be one-billion-plus Euro.  If they do claim losses, it might provoke thought over the empty rooms and how this magic number was obtained. 

4.  ARD is reporting that 23 of the 200 long-haul Lufthansa passenger planes....are sitting on the ground, and not in use.  No one is suggesting a start-up plan or date for the planes.

5.  The German crisis team has issued a directive yesterday....any surgical mask produced in forbidden for export out of the country.  No one has given a number on this production cycle, or if it really matters.  Prior to this....most masks were Chinese-produced. 

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