Monday, September 30, 2024

30 Sep 2024: Eight German News Stories

 1.  Austria election yesterday?  Well.... the right-wing FPÖ Party got around 29.2 percent of the they were the 'winner'.  Up a significant bit?  Yeah....they added 13-percent over the last election.

The previous winner?  ÖVP, dropped around 11 get 26.5 percent.

Chief topic of this election in the end?  Mostly migration, asylum, crime and public perception of problems.

Coalition?  The suggestion is that FPÖ can't get a partner, and so the 2nd place winner will get the call....finding at least two partners.  If ÖVP takes charge and fails to take on migration/crime issues?  Next election goes the same way.  

Bad sign for the Germans?  I might suggest they will discuss this at length.

2.  There's fresh new talk of banning the AfD (right-wing) Party.  I'll simply say that if you ban them....they will find a fresh new party to take over.....taking control, and in six  months....come  back to life.

3.  Trying to get a wind-generator project up and going?  ARD covered this in a news piece....talking over issues in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg.  They counted up.....almost 440,000 papers turned halt various projects.

4.  Average time to get your asylum request  paperwork approved/disapproved?  Now takes eight months on average.

5.  All the rain of the past week has affected numbers at the Oktoberfest. 

6.  There is a Covid-bill being discussed....where legally....the gov't has a special debt that the court will impose.  Amount?  Six-billion Euro.

Yeah, causing some chaos over the budget.

7.  Over the weekend in Essen, 31 folks injured in arson-attack in two apartment buildings.  Two kids critically injured. 

Where this leads onto?  Cops have arrested a 41-year-old Syrian guy. He apparently went nuts against family members. 

Probably dozens of charges (attempted murder on the list).

Lot of video over the guy in action.  I'd say he had some mental breakdown or was on some drug-binge.  

8.  I was in Wiesbaden yesterday (Sunday)....witnessing a nude-protest of some type (no signs).....probably fifty folks (two-thirds women).  Just odd weather (15C) to be doing some nude-walk (I would have done this in July). 

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