Friday, September 20, 2024

Fake Chatter Discussion

So this is an odd legal case....ZDF is the Channel 2 folks....of public TV.  They run a program called Neo Royale.  They decided to suggest/report....that the former President of the Federal Office for Information Security (Arne Schonbohm) was connected in some way to Russian secret agents.  

Well....Schonbohm decided to take this to court.  The Munich court system read through everything and said that the news reporting of ZDF....connecting him to Russian agents....was bogus (fake).

This all goes back to October of 2022 (the Covid era).  

All of this to be discussed a bit in public?  I would imagine a handful of Germans will ask how ZDF's reporters got this wrong.  

My humble thought?  Maybe this was a case where the actual REAL Russian secret agents....were pretending to be Germans, and gave ZDF the fake story.  Yeah, I know....this sounds crazy, but the story had to start somewhere.....and it just makes you wonder if some Russian guys thought it'd be funny to invent a secret-agent story out of thin air.

Adding to this....almost weekly, someone in the public TV situation tries to suggest Russian propaganda existing in Germany, and lifting public sentiment that Russian agents are everywhere.

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