Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Political Chatter

 This AM (Wed)....the executive council (top advisors) of the German Green Party resigned.  

Crisis stage?

Well....there are three elements to this story.

First, out of the Brandenburg state election from the weekend.....the party performed in a pretty poor way, with dismal numbers.

Second, nationally in polls....the Greens are showing a 9-to-10 percent a spiral for the past three years.

Third and final....the Greens haven't found any 'magic' to handle the economic woes, the migration anger in the public eye, or a path to lead the coalition.

So these individuals basically said.....they aren't the right crew for the Greens and the fall 2025 federal election.  

What will follow?  A national meeting with the Green representatives and a new group elected.  

Harsh situation?  I'd just say that finding some way to handle the migrant woes, public desires for action, and staying faithful to their general 'promises' will be near impossible.....with the votes likely split among the new people being brought in.

This consuming the newscast for tonight?  Oh YEAH.....this will take up a good portion of tonight's news.

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