Wednesday, August 7, 2019

20 September Problem?

The German kids running the 'Fridays for the Future' business.....are now talking about a massive all-day strike on 20 September (a Friday about six weeks away).  Oddly enough, several adult organizations, political parties, etc....are going to support this.

Likely to create traffic chaos and tensions?  If the rumor is true that it'll start some negativity brewing about the group and their agenda. 

If the strike is successful?  Well, I would go and suggest that additional strikes might be on the agenda and planned later for November and December. 

The problem for the national government (the CDU-SPD coalition that Merkel manages)....they really don't have some 'arm' to use on the kids or this political agenda being pushed.  You'd have to and strong-arm the kids back into Friday afternoon school events, and so far....that has marginally been seen. 

So you might want to plan your calendar a bit and be prepared for traffic issue on the 20th, if you live in Germany. 

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