Friday, August 23, 2019

E-Scooter Observation

I spent yesterday (minimum of four hours) on the Wiesbaden shopping district platz. 

I should note,  it's roughly four city blocks where delivery trucks, bicycles, and E-Scooters are forbidden after 11 AM in the morning.  It's mostly due to a heavy load of pedestrian traffic and shoppers.

E-Scooters?  Well, I probably noticed at least twenty of the riders violating the law, and on some occasions....barely missing shoppers. 

It's a rather new phenomenon, and as much as the police and authorities have emphasized where the E-Scooters can or can't doesn't matter. 

It's only a matter of time before some teenager hits some old retiree, and they hit the ground with a concussion.....then this openness with the E-Scooter will evaporate rather quickly.   

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