Monday, August 5, 2019

CDU Commentary Today

It was a three-liner story that came up today in German a CDU (right-of-center party) member, who sits in the EU.  Carsten Linnemann made the statement that if immigrant kids (meaning age 5/6) can't speak German....they should not be brought into the German school system.  Some journalists used the term 'ban' but he's basically saying that the kids should be evaluated, and something needs to occur to prevent parallel societies from existing (which seems very possible at this point).

A lot of German teachers have commented on this....that they were 'promised' help by the school system or state, and that help just never did some immigrant kids are in dismal shape while trying to exist in the school system.

The odds that the CDU will pick up this suggestion and try to push it via the coalition government?  Zero chance.  You'd have to create some support system for kids, and admit that whatever you've been doing....was stupid.  I just don't see the SPD being agreeable on admitting that this has been a screwed-up mess with immigrant kids.  I won't say all of them have fallen into this problem, but it's apparent that some kids are way behind.

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