Friday, August 2, 2019

Post Office Changes Coming

It's not a front-page story in Germany, but there is a discussion going on about going from a postal system open and delivering six days a a postal system only open and delivering Monday through Friday. 

Yes, there's this chatter within the federal government of re-writing the regulation that mandates Monday through Saturday operations. 

The odds that it'd pass via the CDU and SPD coalition?  Presently, based on public perception, it's about a 99-percent chance of passing through.  The scheduling of when it happens is really the main topic left for guessing. 

There is this odd statistic existing about mail delivery in Germany.....only two-percent of the weekly quantity....occurs on Monday.  Why?  No one says much over this number. 

If it passes?  The government folks say that come the fall period of'd fall into play and Saturday operations would end. 

Here's the curious thing that I've come to notice over the past five years....commercial delivery (Fedex, Amazon's service, the various non-postal delivery operations)....probably make up 90-percent of my packages coming into the house now.  And they operate on Saturday, with no intent of changing that. 

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