Monday, August 26, 2019

A Berlin Execution Shooting?

Well....this story gets to an interesting twist (or two), so settle back.

On the north side of the Spree River in Berlin....about a mile NW of Checkpoint this park referred to as the 'Kleiner Tiergarten' (the little animal garden).  My description would be 70 meters by 250 meters.  It's mostly a park for people to walk through....observe nature....and a kid's playground on the far east side.  No, there's no drug trafficking or criminal element to the's just a plain simple German park, with trees, grass, and old people walking their dogs.

There's a church or two on the far eastern end, and a McFit on the southside of the park.  On the far west side, between the park, and the Otto Park....lies the Evangelische Kirche (another church).  Peaceful surroundings for the most part. 

So on Friday of last week....around noon....some guy was walking through the park.  He's not a German.....he's from Georgia (the nation, not the state).

Some guy rides up on a bike.....passes the guy....stops, and then fires two rounds into the guy's head.  Locals who did see the shooting, just commented later to the cops that it just looked an awful lot like an execution situation.  Course, most Germans would get that impression by watching TV movies.

The shooter (the bicyclist)?  He rides off.

Witnesses call the cops, and the cops search for this guy.  It's a 150 meter ride the Spree River, and there....the shooter disposes of his gun and bicycle....into the river.  Cops apparently recover both. 

An hour or two passes, and oddly enough....German cops now have the suspect.  A Russian guy (49 years old).  He's in detention, and it doesn't appear that he's saying much.  Well....he's Russian but there's some minor details about this guy. 

Contract killing?  Well....some have suggested this. 

An Islamic connection?  Well....that's the odd thing to this story.

The dead guy apparently was a Russian veteran from the 2nd Chechen War (ending in 2009, after a decade).  So he ends up in Georgia?  Yes, serving in some kind of anti-terror capacity (no one says much of what that means).

So the shooter?  Curiously, he was at some point in the past decade on a terror-watch-list.  Jihadist?  A Russian Jihadist?  He got removed because folks thought he was 'safe'.  I should note, this part of the story comes from German public TV (WDR), and they had some insider within the police (I'm guessing here) who said that part of the story.

So this was a pay-back situation from the Chechen War, from a decade ago?  Maybe.

The amusing angle to this....this shooter had been an asylum seeker while here in Germany....saying it was too dangerous to go back to Georgia. 

The dead guy?  Well....the more you look at this.....he probably had killed a few Muslims along the way in the Chechen War, and some folks remembered his situation.

But all of this begs the question....why was the dead guy....the Georgia anti-terror Berlin?  What business brought him there?  No one says much over that detail.  How did the shooter know the guy was going to be in the that time?  If you ask me....this was arranged by some 3rd party. 

The Berlin authorities?  Well....they have to clean this mess up now.  Charges on the shooter?  Probably murder charges, unless he establishes that he's mentally insane or such. 

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