Friday, August 9, 2019

German Soldier Story

There's an interesting minor story that has been making it's way around Germany for three or four days.  There's this German Army soldier (German-German, not Turkish-German) who went off on a vacation from the Marburg area to Turkey. 

Somewhere in his trip....the young German started a selfie picture episode in a shopping district (Istiklal).  Undercover cops (Turks) approached him and said 'forbidden' and asked him to delete the picture. 

Well....he refused.  So the Turks took him off to a Turkish jail.  There, they asked again, and wanted him to just unlock his cellphone.  Again, he refused.  So he sat in jail for roughly 3 days. 

Then he was brought in front of a judge, and released.  Upon that moment.....he left Turkey.

His crime?  It's hard to say, other than the undercover cops thought that he had their image on the camera.  Maybe they wanted to impress upon him their authority.  But if that was the became a serious tourist issue, where Germans again worry about their safety, if they were going to go and spend a week or two at some Turkish resort. 

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