Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekend Demonstrations In Germany

It is a comical accomplishment, at least in my mind.

Over the weekend here in Germany....the hooligan crowd responsible for the fierce demonstration that occurred over the previous weekend in Koln.....decided to put a public statement, and apologized that things....went wrong, and weren't by the original plan they conceived.  The members of the group say they learned from the event.

I should state, somewhere in the statement, they believe the true blame for the violence and property damage.....goes back to some members of the movement who are not following the rules, and the police themselves.

What they hint a fascinating that the hooligan movement in Germany has hooligans within their movement, and thus cannot stay pure "hooligan".  It would be like the Green Party, which has serious fringe elements and anarchist-like members within it.  Or the CSU membership in Bavaria, who has a number of extremely right-wing conservatives, but a majority of moderate conservatives.

The planned 15 November hooligan event in Berlin?  Cancelled by the authorities, but some people think that at least five thousand will still show up and walk the streets of Berlin on that day.

The Hanover event planned for 15 November?  It's going forward entirely.   Political folks may try to ban it or bring enough police in to dismantle it early.....but most commentary hints that it's still a "go".

Over the weekend, if you noticed German news....we had a couple of pro-Islam groups who staged peaceful rallies at several German cities.  No big numbers.....but the events were conducted in a peaceful fashion. Some Kurds came out as well.....against the ISIS slant of things.

The general issue is that the media covers the pro-Islam events, and pushes that out to the public.  The include the the video and read through the news accounts.  They aren't happy about this, and it simply presses them to act on their own.  In some ways, the news media is breeding discontent by their coverage.  If they went an entire month without covering any Islamic parades, marches, or might help.

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