Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Murder Case Story

Since the murder (almost a month ago) of CDU political figure Walter Lübcke....the investigation has taken several 'curves' (two folks arrested then released hours later).

In Hessen circles, Lubcke was fairly well known, and a major figure in the northern quarter of Hessen.  The 'execution-style' murder has been page one news.

Over the weekend, cops announced they'd arrested a guy in connection to this. Placing him at the scene?  Well....DNA.  Weapon?  They apparently haven't recovered that, and the guy isn't very cooperative in talking.

The accusation of being right-wing extremist?  The guy arrested was connected in the past to a right-wing group or two.

How this murder might connect to right-wing extremists?  This gets into an interesting side-story.  At some point with the mass migration scene (2015)...Lubcke came out with a very direct statement that basically said that Germany had a open-door policy, migration was good, and if you as a German were against it....maybe you needed to consider leaving Germany.  Germans can be that blunt in their 'chatter' and say that kind of thing because of their status in political circles.  The problem is that a fair number of people didn't take the statement in a friendly way.

The lead on this case now?  Well, it went from the Kassel region to the Hessen state itself, and now to the federal government of Germany now handling it.  Without the gun?  You can still probably convict, but it makes the case a bit more difficult.  And if he comes up with an alibi?  Well....that might be a problem as well.  But the DNA drives the case at this point.

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