Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The One-Cent Bag

Aldi is one of those discount grocery chains in Germany, that a fair number of folks frequent.  They always hype up their connection to bio-products, and environmental programs.

Well, it came out today that Aldi will start charging you one-Euro-cent for each plastic bag that you use for fruit and vegetables.  Their humble belief is that you will start to lessen your use of plastic bags, if you have to pay for them.

My wife (German in nature) does use Aldi and probably buys three to five vegetable/fruit offerings on each visit.  She's also an extreme 'cheapo' (which is one reason why she's attracted to Aldi).  Paying a cent a bag?  No....very unlikely she'd go and give them five cents for the five bags required. 

I would make the observation that all this pro-environmental stuff being produced on the anti-plastic agenda....has a limit.  The reality is that people shop in a particular way and trying to carry around a dozen apples, or five pears....without a bag....isn't going to get much support. 

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