Monday, July 27, 2020

Anti-Bodies Test Story

It was an odd Corona story which was a news brief comment, and then kinda left there.

For those who remember the initial period of Corona in Germany, around was down in Bavaria and a guy who'd been around a Chinese executive for a day or two. 

The medical establishment asked the 'first' guy to come in and do a anti-bodies test, to determine how much of the original virus he had in his 'protect' himself from a future event.

Well....the test came back today....ZERO anti-bodies of Covid-19.  So you go and figure it up....early-April to late-July (roughly four months).  That's it.

Worrying some folks? I would imagine so.  For the vaccine crowd, the best they can hope for is to vaccinate folks, and get roughly four months of 'protection'.  Then you'd repeat the whole episode over, and over, and over.

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