Monday, July 13, 2020

Germans on Vacation

I talked about this over the weekend....Germans on vacation to Spain and it's beachfront areas....not cooperating with local rules about the Coronavirus. 

All this Spanish chatter has reached the local authorities, and there's to be several changes coming this week to the areas that Germans hang out.

ARD, public TV (Channel One) carried a good update on this whole thing.

In simple terms, a fair number of Germans who've been 'cooped-up' in Germany for weeks and weeks...over Corona....saw this great vacation opportunity to escape the Corona rules, and just overlook the Spanish rules (basically the same).

More security guards have been hired by various resturants and enforce the rules.  Last night, if you watched the video from Channel Two (ZDF), police patrols were making the rounds and trying to enforce the Spanish rules upon the German vacation crowd.

From what the authorities say....the mask requirement will be enforced in a strong way....starting today (Monday).

The odds of infections increasing....both in the resort areas, and back in Germany?  It's virtually guaranteed, and will probably trigger a second wave worry.  It might be bad enough that the Spanish islands stop the tourist flow.

I noticed some German making the comparison....that this German vacation crowd is behaving like Donald Trump types at a political event....'not a care in the world'. 

The key problem I see....if these Germans were there for two week periods....they'd all get sick while in Spain, and the airline industry would refuse to fly them back until they were well and passed the Corona test.  So you could see thousands of Germans extending out their trips, and hotels freaked out because they might have twenty to thirty sick Germans on their hands. 

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