Saturday, December 30, 2023

30 December 2023: Six German News Stories

 1.  This week, the Spanish gov't announced that it would be shutting down the remaining nuke energy plants (seven of them).  The aim?  Well....they intend to go the German route, with 'clean' energy.  New taxes in store, to pay for the dismantlement and installation of the renewable business?  Yes.  

I would say this....from a solar energy prospective, they have the right weather for the produce day-time energy.  

How they make up for this in the evenings?  Unknown.  French probably preparing to sell tons of nuke-power to the Germans and Spanish. 

2.  Lot of police preparation going on in Berlin for evening expectations on 31 December. 

3.  A few days ago, I essayed a piece on the police shooting in Mannheim (49-year old Turk who ended up shot dead by the police).  you would investigation is underway.  What I found interesting over this....from the five or six who were there (I assume most all had cam equipment on)....there were the eyewitness folks who had their cellphones out and taping the incident. 

What the police say now....they have a total of 130 video segments (yeah, a significant number), and this adds up to around five gigabytes of volume.  

4.  WELT am Sonntag has done a survey with a fair number of Germans.  Question you think the current government (SPD-coalition) can do anything much over migration/immigration issues.

A large number (meaning in the two-thirds to three-quarters range) believe there's nothing much that this coalition can clear up the immigration problems.

Affecting the 2024 elections?  Yeah....those four state elections and the EU election....will have this as a problem.

5.  WELT had a piece this AM.....talking over the flu business from the past month.  They say...numbers-wise, either via Covid or flu....ten-percent of the German population has been sick and at home for some amount of time. 

I will say, from the wife and I....yeah, we had a short bout of Covid (me---marginally, and the wife for four days).  


Bigus Macus said...

What happened to people getting a simple winter cold? Why is it always the covid?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Since 2020, I've only had a regular cold (no flu) once. Maybe all these sanitation habits (using alcohol rub) to prevent covid have some payback. Most all Germans still practice the 1-meter distance business.