Friday, December 29, 2023

Will Conscription Or The Draft Return To Germany?

 Around 2011....conscription/draft ended in Germany, and a volunteer system was created (better pay/benefits).  On the books, conscription was NOT abolished (anyone who suggests that....needs to go read the basic wording). 

So, the Bundeswehr will tell you today....they've got issues.  The 203,000 folks they are supposed to have?  It's not there (presently at 181,000).

There's a fair amount of talk  of bringing back the draft now.  Politically?  The Greens have said 'no way' and I would imagine around half of the SPD voters aren't that thrilled over the idea.

The CDU-CSU folks?  They want something called 'the social year' where you have no have to participate in some fashion for 12 months....either for civil work, clinic/retirement home work, or the military.  

This becoming a major issue for the 2025 federal election?  I'd rack and stack it....somewhere in the top 20 issues brewing for the public.  

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