Thursday, May 20, 2021

Don't Bring Up Transparency

 So this is a story that someone ought to write a 500-page book on, but I'll try to tell the story in forty lines.

Back in this period between September 2000 and April 2007....this 'group' came together as 'junior-Nazis'.  They were Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos.  All between early 20's and late 20s.  All were from former DDR....from the Jena area.

If you were going to gauge the three....they were a threesome in love and politics.  

Their agenda in this seven-year period?  Well...assassination (ten people dead).  The general target were Turks although there's one German killed, and one Greek (probably mistaking the guy as a Turk).

So here's the no time did the police get the idea of grouping the dead and suggesting that a programmed killing was going on.  Each of these murders were blamed back on the immigrant community.

In November 2011....the two guys were performing a bank robbery and reached a failed ending....with both killing themselves in the end.  Around a week after this....the female (Zschäpe) gave herself up. 

She basically would tell the whole story....if a 'deal' was made.  Once a kill-list came out (88 names on it, and a member of the Bundestag listed as well).....the 'deal' wasn't going to occur.

The court case starts in the spring of 2013, and goes on until late 2017 (yeah, it was an awful long and drawn out case, with tons of files dumped into it).  Verdict?  Zschäpe is guilty, along with four associates.  

Questions remaining?  There's a lot of argument to support that idea, or to deny that idea.  Some people think that insiders to the German law enforcement circle were helping the group in some minor way, and that suggestion gives a pretty negative feeling about the 'end' of this story.

Zschäpe got life in prison....the rest varying amounts of time from one year to ten years.

So, this came up in the Hessen news yesterday.  Various groups have been trying to get the data/files from the investigation phase to be open information.  The state government (run by the CDU and Greens) finally said 'NO'. 

The files/data is now set to secret status for a 30-year period. 

This kinda riled up the transparency crowd and the anti-conspiracy folks.  There's probably enough information there that a single guy trying to read and comprehend everything....would spend a decade of his life on the project.

Why keep it a secret?  No one is clear about this.

I would speculate that several occasions were occurring in the 2000 to 2007 period where police were marginally doing their job, and prosecution efforts weren't eager to open up a dynamic investigation. 

This 30-year secrecy business would help to shield poor decision making or incompetence.  

The idea that more murders occurred?  Well.....on social media, I noticed a person making that suggestion. Proof?  None.  I will would be a wild thing if an additional dozen murders could be tied in.  But you would think that the plain basic story is done. 

So this whole thing....a threesome love triangle....junior Nazi-players....killing 'machine'.....coming out of old DDR?  Yeah, it's that type of weird story.  The only thing you don't have is drug-usage.    

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