Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Car Story

In Alabama, we are known for creating some strange vehicle modifications.....without a lot of safety built into them. in Hessen....a guy has apparently outdone the norm and gotten the attention of the regional cops.

Around the Hasselberg region....this car was noted with a home-made trailer.....which was extremely overloaded.  German cops tend to notice tings like that.  If you look at the rear end of the's way down.

Then the cops asked to look into the trunk.  The guy had a retro-gas system fitted to run on LPG.  Yep, it was a hybrid car.....of his own design.  The weight check?  Double what the car was supposed to carry....that was ticket number one.  The fuel tank?  It was leaking......that was ticket number two.
The trailer hitch deal?  Rusted.....that was ticket number three.

By the time the cops finished their inspection......there were seventeen defects found on the car and thirteen on the trailer.  Fines?  470 Euro.  Then the cops told the car owner the really bad news......the vehicle had to go off the road and to the nearest scrap dealer.   Yeah.....they weren't even going to let him take it home to the garage.

Strictness?  Yes.....that's the one thing about German safety rules for cars.  You either meet standards, or your vehicle is taken off the road.....immediately.  Just on the overweight business....that was enough by itself to make the rest of the experience negative.

As for altering vehicles?  From time to come across a German guy who has a mechanical mind and time on his hands......doing something dynamic to his car.  If it's a safety-related are supposed to take it to the TUV folks and have the vehicle inspected.  At the very least.....they might request a waiver on something and let you get away with the modification.  Typically.....they don't like changes.

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