Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Beer Situation

Apparently, this G7 conference picture from Bavaria with President Obama.....generated a number of comments.  The question is.....does beer consumption at 1130 in the morning really "work"?

Generally, by German drinking standards.....especially under holiday schedules or vacation periods.....guys will sip a cool beer at times after 10AM.  I do's rare, and most German guys wouldn't touch a beer until after 12.  The reason for the 12-rule?  Mostly because of various stares of German women....condemning the guy for drinking 'early'.

So, I won't say much over the picture.  If you hang around German guys enough.....especially on hot summer days and vacation periods.....they generally start drinking early and sip through six to ten beers (half-liter containers) for a big portion of the day.  These are smart guys who know that the cops will take away their license they generally walk to the outdoor garden situation.....and talk over conflicts, soccer, new technology, politics, crappy TV shows, and car issues while sipping their beer.

For the American anti-drinking folks?  Well.....what I can say is that if you aren't driving or doing legislative business.....the harsh standards for anti-drinking talk isn't worth discussing.  In this G7 atmosphere.....there's virtually nothing of significance that will occur, and the President won't be driving (he hasn't driven since 2008).

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