Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lost Olympic Rights

For decades....German public-run TV (ARD/ZDF) would buy the Olympic game coverage for Germany.  They'd send their crews out to provide verbal comments and get Germans to be all enthusiastic.

Rarely did anyone else in Germany try to compete for the Olympic coverage.  When the RTL guys did compete....the ARD/ZDF folks would simply throw more cash into the deal and end up as the winner.

Well....yesterday, things came to an end.

The Eurosport-channel folks won the 2018 to 2024 Olympic coverage for Germany.

The likely scenario?  I'm guessing that for each two-week period.....Eurosport ends up with a significant amount of viewers.  ARD and ZDF will both realize the viewer impact and run mostly re-runs or more older movies during this period.  At some point, viewers will ask the big question.....why are they paying the TV tax?  The only thing that the public-run TV folks can do is smile and say it's a necessity.

The sports department at ARD and ZDF?  They might sit down and review the future after this loss to their situation.  What if Eurosport goes after the various other venues?  Could the sports department at the state-run TV operation suddenly be under a major threat?

Maybe in some way....this might evolve into a game-changer for state-run TV.  

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