Thursday, June 18, 2015

Construction in Wiesbaden

We have one single identifiable skyscraper in Wiesbaden....the R und V building near the casino.  It's been empty and non-function for roughly a decade.  Over the past two years.....almost every single month....some punks have found their way into the building and set fire to the interior.  Naturally, the fire department has to react and it's a fairly dangerous game.  From what has been's a place where druggies like to hang out.

Why empty and standing there so long?'s fallen into different hands to tear down and put up a new structure.  Plans come.....plans go.  Getting money into the project hasn't been working well.  Getting city council permission for projects also has not worked well.

Six months ago.....some folks came up with the latest idea.....putting up expensive condos for folks (slanted talk to mean rich Middle-Eastern folks).

This week, the demolition episode has finally started up and it appears that the one and only skyscraper in town will be finally torn down.  The weekly/monthly fire drills?  That will finally come to an end.

As for the condo construction?'s curious.  They are figuring it'll take roughly five years to build out this new restaurant/condo/shop structure.  The possibility of delays?  Almost all of the projects within Wiesbaden within the past couple of years have faced some minor delays.  So, I own't be betting on this opening in 2020.

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