Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dresden TB Story II

Last week, I essayed a piece on Dresden and some cases of Tuberculosis which popped up in a school there.  All of this was going to lead to more tests of students and teachers.

Well....they've gone to the next level.

The authorities in Dresden now say that there are twelve new cases to add to the list......coming out of two private schools in the local area.

Right now, they are talking about a total number of 43 cases in the Dresden region. 

On the positive side, they've tested a heck of a lot of people associated with the two schools and probably reached the high point for this disease issue.  How this all came to be?  Unknown.  No one from the city has pieced together this angle of the story, and the news folks are simply going to let it lay there.  You don't want to worry folks, or make some false suggestions. 

The thing about TB (having been identified with it myself) is that wonder-drugs exist and you can feel comfortable in that you won't go down the path of the 1800s with a probable chance of death.

As for the mobile nature of TB today?  Look....people....especially Germans, travel in a lot of exotic places now.  Germans go off to Mongolia, deep Siberia, the South Pole, and even into the jungles of Peru.  It's not that hard to envision this transmission starting that way, rather than refugee-type transmission source.  The other side of this is that most Germans never get tested for TB, and that you might have a fair number of people sitting around and not realizing their situation.

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