Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Background Review Story

It's a page six story which won't get much notice by Germans or the locals in Hessen but it's bound to draw interest as time goes by.

The German government (the fed folks), the various state folks, and even city municipal folks....tend to hand out funds for various programs which relate to democracy projects and educational institutions.  Call it a grant.....if you will.

Here is Hessen, there's been this discussion going on about mandating that 'new' employees of these projects and institutions....because they accept federal, state and local funding....need to be checked out and personally reviewed.

Basically, a background check.

Normally, you would think that folks (Germans at least) would have no problem with a background check.  Well....yeah...this has drawn negative talk by the regional Green Party.

There are various workshops that have been created over the past four years, that have to do with anti-right-wing extremism and 'courage' programs.

There's some feelings that folks associated with programs....might not be able to pass the background check.  Normally, I'd stop or pause at this point and ask what exactly are your people doing....that might trigger them to fail a background check, but let's not dig that deep into this.

The Greens here suggest that it's mighty unfair, and that presumption of innocence is going out the door.  Course, this would draw me back and ask why would you worry about your new employees or workers.....unless they've done some bad stuff?

How far might this review go? could be associated with some sports league for the city, and have to do a background check....only to find that you've been detained on four occasions for drunken behavior or assaulting people while drunk. Or you might have gotten yourself on a list for salafistian actions and you work with teenage boys in a sports program.

I suspect if you went to a couple of working-class folks and brought up this background review deal....the vast majority would have nothing against it and support the idea.  They might even get around to asking if you wanted a rapist working in a women's support foundation.

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