Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Poll Story

I noticed this political piece in Focus today....polling done with the SPD Party members and the idea of accepting a coalition deal with the CDU (Merkel).

According to the article.....the majority of SPD members (56-percent) would prefer a minority-government....meaning that Merkel and the CDU would walk a tight-rope and likely be forced into early elections. 

The idea of a coalition?  Only 28-percent favored a group deal.

Around the public?  No one really knows....this poll was strictly SPD members.

A lousy situation for the pubic and Merkel? Yes.

If you had suggested that the election from three months ago would have created this, folks would have laughed at you.

The fear of another election (the logical fix)?  Both the CDU and SPD are deady fearful of such an election.  Neither would be able to get the same results as they did in September.  And then?  Trying to create another government with such low numbers?  Impossible.

So, my humble guess is that everyone will admit by the end of January that the minority government idea is the only way ahead, and virtually everyone will start to figure some election by late 2019 will likely occur.  With the EU election occurring in 2019....you'd have to figure that it'll be likely announced six to nine months after that election.  If both the CDU and SPD do badly in the EU election?  It'll worry some folks over what could be a long period of marginal government..

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