Friday, December 8, 2017

New Bread Cutter

Bread-cutters are not typically something that Americans buy.  But if you live in Germany, because of the way that bakers make their bread (one rounded loaf, never cut into pieces unless you ask them to do it that way) need a bread-cutter.  My wife said enough with the old one (being nearly 20 years in use), so we went to a new one.

Most shops will carry one or two models, with 99-percent made in China.  I have to contend with the fact that my wife is a 'buy-German' individual and makes a big deal about everything bought should have the 'made in Germany' slogan on it.  So after a fair amount of search, there is a model and brand out there, and we made the purchase.

It's safe to was probably 50-percent more in cost, and weighed probably twice as much as the old one (it was mostly all plastic and this actually has some metal to it).

So I come to the odd aspect of this bread-cutter.  I opened the box, and here was an instruction roughly nine languages....four pages to each. 

A necessity to have instructions?

That was the curious thing.  There's just one button (on-off) with a bread-cutter.

Somewhere around the 6th line of the instruction came this dramatic statement....people who are intellectually not capable of operating this machine, should not be allowed to use it. 

It's an interesting statement, and something that you'd expect a German to say or suggest in a hundred situations. 

I could see a German suggesting this for cars, mowers, scooters, bikes and even horses.  Some Germans might even slyly go and suggest this for democracy and politics, when centered on Trump.

I kinda turn and think that if this were American instructions on an American-made'd be twice as much text, mostly just in English and Spanish, and this intellectually-statement would have been left out.   The fact least in my humble opinion, we are kinda sparse on intellectual folks, and it probably explains why we make bread mostly already cut into pieces. 

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