Thursday, December 14, 2017

Saarland School Story

Forty years ago in Germany, this story would have been only a fantasy.

Focus tells the story coming out of the Saarland (far west corner of Germany).

Back in the summer (June), a regional teacher wrote a letter to the local newspaper, the Saarbrucker Zeitung.

The teacher laid out all of these issues in the school system (assaults, violence, drug use by the kids, insults against the teachers, etc).

The newspaper kinda held the letter back, and investigated the commentary.  I suspect they were in some disbelief of what the teacher suggested.

Now?  It's published and discussed in depth.

Various examples cited by the newspaper....knives in the school, kids assaulted, daily insults against teachers, etc.

The schools have reacted in some minor ways....declaring fifty of the kids to be special-needs kids.  Back in September, the union gave the school system a warning that they need to create some solutions, but the school system has yet to really grasp the full mess.

Saarland alone?  I kinda doubt it. 

The ease and low-cost level of drugs now in Germany has reached the level where schools are affected. If it's unsafe for's unsafe for the other students in the system as well. 

Somehow, I suspect that drug-testing is going to come up shortly, and German cops start appearing more often in schools.  If it sounds like Americanization....yeah, I would suggest that. 

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