Sunday, December 10, 2017

Extreme Islamists

ARD (Channel One, public German TV) had a news piece today, which reflected the Salafistian scene in Germany (the extremists within Islam).

The current trend here in Hans-George Maassen (President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution) puts on a 'gain'.

Maassen says that Germany now has about 10,800 people who've become full-fledged Salafistian types. That's a plus-up of 500 in just this period since August.

The Germans do a ranking structure to this group of 10,800, and saying only that a small portion are potentially violent.

I sat and read the whole news piece on this topic, and came to this odd piece.  While the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is a federal office and establishes federal is left to the states (16 of them) to determine if people meet the standard or not. 

This means that you could have one state viewing the federal standard in one way....going for a higher rate of inclusion into this Salafistian group, and another state going for a lower understanding....thus noting fewer folks into the national database.

I's a lousy way of running the system, but that's the whole method of the Berlin federal leadership situation.  In effect, you could have guys in one state, who really ought to be included in the database, and they haven't been nominated.

Do the cops even have enough people to really monitor the 10,800?  That question wasn't asked by the journalists writing the report for the network, and it'd be interesting to know this side of the story. My guess is that they might have their browsing monitored, but there's simply not enough cops to do much. 

The trend likely to grow?  One might take a guess that by the end of 2018....they might reach 12,000. 

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