Saturday, December 23, 2017

More to the Linda Story

I essayed an update to the 'Linda' story about a week ago. 

Here in Germany, most folks are now familiar with the German teenager ('Linda') who ran off from home in 2015, and joined up with ISIS in Iraq.

Now 17 years old....Linda has been captured (a couple of months ago) and the Iraqis are debating on what to do with the teen.

The Germans have expressed some hope in retrieving her, and simply getting her returned to Germany.

The general theme by the news media in Germany is that she was simply a naive teenager, with no real understanding of the Jihad business or ISIS.  Most people believe that story.

Today, it's been noted in the Brit newspaper....the Daily Mail....that a social media message has been found that leads back to Linda (probably made six to twelve months prior to being taken by Iraqi authorities).

The message?  "Because I know that the dear officers for the protection of the constitution and the state police will also be reading this I want to add a few words for those filthy dogs... there are going to be many many more attacks to follow."

Pressured by the ISIS folks to make these kind comments?  One can only assume that.

On the whole of the situation, most Germans would like to believe that she's just a naive teenager who got deep into some stuff and had no grasp of the consequences.  They'd like a door opened and to allow her back into the country.  If some dire negatives come out over her actions while in Iraq?  It'll confuse a number of people and make them ask the news media about this whole message being conveyed.

The Iraqis?  I don't believe they have any interest in holding just stimulates more journalistic coverage.

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