Wednesday, January 8, 2020

C02 Story

Several German news sources have carried this story, but limited their commentary.

In the last few's come out that emissions of C02 in Germany....actually fell over 2019. 

Now, you have to accept some qualifications over came from a think-tank operation which surveys European-wide numbers (since the 1990s).

The numbers being thrown around?  It's 50 million tons of C02 less than in 2018.  What the analysts that up until this point, no one felt that this type of decrease was 'humanly possible'. 

Yep, the environmentalists are shocked.  Course, they weren't on the engineering or action-side of this....they were only concerned with the terrible woes of too much C02. 

So how did the numbers decrease so fast?  The 'blame' goes mostly to the sources of electrical energy (solar, water, wind, etc).  The fact that E-cars are in such minor numbers....doesn't even figure into the game. 

The problem now?  Well....all this chatter about a massive change in economics or it really necessary?  This is probably why this story wasn't actually on page one, and has been pushed down rapidly.  In simple terms, it shouldn't have happened. 

Another record year in 2020?  I would go and suggest that, and the sad thing is that if you just concentrate on achieve the results that you need. 

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