Thursday, January 23, 2020

Coffee Story

There's a great Focus column written by Julia Kerner today, which focuses on this new German 'worry'.....disposable coffee cups.

To be honest, in the 1980s and 1990s....I don't think Germans were ever much into stopping at some cafe and getting coffee to-go.  Most Germans went to work, and there....they had their brewed coffee.  This development of stopping off on your way to the bus terminal or railway station, is mostly something that has taken off in the past twenty years. 

So as shocking as it may the past five years, the pro-environment folks have taken to worrying about the number of disposable coffee cups being generated. 

From this column....Kerner focused in on bamboo cups....which are starting to show up.  And she mentions the one key element....when heated up, some of these cups release toxins when hot liquids hit them.

The plastic cup solution?  Well....same story.  A number of these that have been introduced, and hyping people to reuse them.....release serious plastic toxins when heated up.

Going back to glass or ceramic cups...on the the solution?  Well, that's the funny thing, it's virtually the only way to go...if you wanted safe coffee without the toxins.  Potential to break?  It's best not to bring up that fact. 

Is this really something to worry about?  Germans tend to focus a lot and virtually everything comes under some sort of analysis.  If you blew your nose a good bit with tissues and they noticed that you threw away 12 tissues in one single railway trip....they'd hype that issue.  If you bought a fruit juice and tossed the plastic container in the garbage.....they'd start to assemble the data and discuss how many were thrown away daily.

The better solution here?  Just go back to the 1980s....shut down coffee shops, and make everyone brew and drink their coffee at the office. 

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