Thursday, January 16, 2020

This Donor Political Discussion?

If you've watched any German political discussions over the past year, and especially the past of the top twenty hot topics is 'forced' donor participation.

The Bundestag is openly discussing the idea that you would be opted (forced is probably the better word) to give up your organs upon your death....unless you signed paperwork to state otherwise.

For some Germans, this has turned into a pretty heated conversation. 

Up until this point, it was the opposite 'game' signed a card and volunteered your organs.  What the medical profession will that Germans traditionally DON'T participate in the voluntary act.  You often see varying numbers, but most say it doesn't ever go past ten-percent of the general public, and some suggest it doesn't go past two-percent.  There's no national database, and the statistical data is a bit questionable.

A fair segment of the opposition suggests that it's just not right to say it's 'automatic' to take the guy's organs. 

Even if they pass a law....there will likely be a Constitutional challenge done, and it still might fail. 

Thousands waiting for an organ transplant?  Well, this is the other side of the discussion....a lot of folks sitting there and waiting.  Some will get a transplant....some won't.

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