Friday, January 24, 2020

Irritant Story

Last night, in my local town of Wiesbaden....we had this unqiue event occur down on the walkplatz (the chief shopping area of town).

In the middle of the zone, there's a McDonalds. 

So around 8 to 9 PM.....there's this 'discussion' that starts up between two groups.  No one says if they knew each other.  One group was composed of two young lads.  The other is supposedly four young lads.

The discussion didn't end well, and the group of two march out of the the McDonalds.

Roughly ten minutes pass, and the two that left....return to the restaurant with roughly four friends.

So a confrontation is about to erupt, but not in the way you'd anticipate.  Instead the newly arrived group....launch a tear-gas irritant attack on the four sitting at the table.

All hell breaks loose, and then quickly the new group leave the facility.

McDonalds folks?  They call the cops and an ambulance.  No one says much over an evacuation out of the place but generally....this irritant stuff stays in the air for a while.  I'm guessing most all of the customers left, and the labor crew was a bit bothered.

The ambulance arrives and flushes the eyes of the four young folks.  The cops?  They arrive and take down a report, but the six troublesome kids have long gone.

A typical thing?  Well, over the past year, there's probably been at least a dozen uses of irritant in public places of Wiesbaden....that had nothing to do with the general purpose of the stuff.  It's just something that you now have to deal with and worry about when 'out and about'. 

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