Friday, April 24, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 24 April 2020

1.  Deaths:  5,261 Infected: 150,012  (Focus numbers).  Number of the infected on the 'healed' list?  RKI says 103k (more or less).

2.  Rostock (in the far NE of Germany) has declared itself the first major German city to be 'recovered'.  The mayor says.....the bans are basically unnecessary at this point.  Accurate?  It doesn't matter, people believe the guy.

3.  Three German states (Baden-Wurttemberg, NRW and Lower Saxony) are now pressing the remaining 13 states and federal government to open up the hotels, cafes, restaurants, and bars.  A basic plan is being chatted about and it's pretty good odds that something will happen within the the next ten days.  The Chancellor has hinted strongly that the 6th of May is the next point where big decisions will be announced.

4.  The perception that Chancellor Merkel is holding back the easing of restrictions and bans?  Several German states are now progressing way beyond the 'norm', and getting some criticism from Merkel over this.  But adding to the mess....the federal government hasn't exactly been the 'lead' for a lot of things done over the past two months.

5.  With the autobahns mostly empty, some individual took his Ferrari out on the A7, and got up to 372 kph (231 mph).  Cops?  Nowhere to be found.

6. Czech says today (Friday), all bans are lifted.  You can go to, etc.  Czech people working in neighboring countries?  Well....some rules still apply (you need to take a virus-test every two weeks).  This gets you the waiver to cross the border daily.

7.  First German policeman dead from the virus?  Yes, from Munich (57 years old, and worked at the airport inspection team).  Secondary conditions?  No one says much yet.

8. New study from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin.....says that the entry point for the virus is the nose.

9.  In my local area of Wiesbaden, the city now reports the total infected since day one to be 296.  Deduct 222 from that group, those are the well folks.

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