Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 22 April 2020

1.  Deaths:  4,735  Infections: 144,814   (Focus Numbers).  Bavaria leads the state-count with 1,354 deaths.

2.  Hessen passed a requirement.....if in public, you must wear a mask.....meaning stores or public transportation.  Starts Monday (27 April).  Type?  Any type....even a handkerchief.

3. Significant amount of criticism building up in the state of NRW (northwest Germany) over school restarting.  Parents, teachers, directors, and political figures all hyped up.

4.  N-TV had a curious piece this morning over a new treatment idea.  The Max Plank Institute came up with the idea of testing a TB vaccine against the virus.  In a test with 1,000 medical personnel vaccinated.....the test results show that the affect of the virus on these personnel....were lessened.  In simple terms, it's boosting the immune system to handle the virus.  It doesn't halt the virus or prevent it.  There's supposed to be a second study done now, with 1,800 older folks.

5. Carsten Maschmeyer is a fairly well known businessman in Germany and respected for his opinion.  In an interview, he suspects that one in five pubs, cafes and restaurants will fail shortly because of the virus.  A recession-period for the next year?  He's predicting this in a strong way. 

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