Monday, April 27, 2020

The Soccer Situation

The virus has laid out some major issues with the German soccer league (both the 1st level and 2nd level).

First, 13 clubs in major economic woes and may fail in the next month or two.....from the 30-odd clubs in both leagues.

Second, they will restart the season (probably to play six games before the end of the season) front of a zero-fan audience.

Third, the general rule will be a limit of 300 total people in the stadium (to include the players, the ref's, the coaches, medical people, TV folks, camera guys, etc. 

My general perception.....the economic-problem clubs will not fold....but simply get taken over by a judge and have a lawyer assigned as the new 'club-manager', and some cash will flow keep them going.  Whether they can find new owners over the next a virtual unknown.

If games continue as 'ghost' games into the will lessen, and contracts will start to drop. 

The odds in 2020 of any games being played with fans in the stadium?  It really looks doubtful, and it might be the August 2021 period before the ghost games come to an end.

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