Friday, April 17, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 17 April 2020

1.  Deaths:    4,093  Infections: 138,135 (Focus numbers).

2.  Speech by the Health Minister this morning: 1.7 million tests have been conducted to this point (it should be pointed out that if you are only come off the list if a second, possibly third test are used on you to confirm you are well).  So the test numbers aren't what you think they are.

He says technically....they can do up to around 700,000 tests per week....but the average is 350k a week right now.

The reproduction number is currently .7-per person now.  Awful low.

Contained in this speech....a hype by the head of the German Drug Administration....that results from a medical study over 'treatment' won't be completed until mid-July.

The fail-pass rates on the virus tests?  He says that the failure-rate (meaning you have the virus) is around 10-percent.  Curiously, he admitted that the rate hasn't changed much over the whole period.

When asked about mandating the mask (full-time)....he avoids that discussion.

When asked if the health system and hospitals have been overwhelmed.....he say no, there no such indications.

3.  The limit of 800-square meter rule being used across the country for opening of stores?  Well....NO.  NRW wrote up a waiver, and stores in the region are applying the waiver to open up.  Ikea is one such example.

4.  German postal system is admitting huge business operations over the past month, with a lot of products ordered online.

5.  The chatter about Americans dying at a higher rate while on the ventilator system, compared to the Germans? German doctor looked at the way that the system works in the US, and noted that often....Americans ended up with the test and recommendation for the hospital....too late.  That they were already near death's door, and that wasn't the case in Germany where they noted your secondary conditions, and got you into the ventilator system early on. 

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