Friday, April 10, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 10 April 2020

1.  Dead: 2,292    Infected:  112,348 (Focus numbers).

2.  The chief four products sought at German grocery operations?  Flour, yeast, toilet paper, and pasta.  I stood in one grocery this week, which at 3PM....did have a dozen packs of toilet-paper left....first time I've seen it on the shelf in a late day situation. 

3.  Protests in Germany have to be approved (some might laugh at this idea), but there are general procedures in every major German city, and you apply for your protest march.  If you act in accordance with the rules, no one ever gets arrested.

Well....a protest application was applied in Munich, and the city said 'no'....not during the Coronavirus crisis.  The group (the news people aren't discussing the type of protest) then took this to court.....all the way to the German 'high' court in Karlsruhe.  The court stood up late yesterday and said the city has the right to prevent demonstrations/protests, and this is a legit 'no'.

4.  Starting 16 April in Poland, if you out in wear a mouth/nose covering.  I expect the Germans (state by state) to move toward this rule as well.

5.  Here in Hessen, there is the observation by emergency room personnel that the customer-rate has rapidly the point that they are worried that people with heart-attack symptoms are saying 'no' to a trip to the emergency room, in fear of getting the virus there.

6.  The rumor presently is that German professional soccer will reopen around the 9th of May.  Fans allowed into the stadiums?  Probably not.  Continued path to bankruptcy?  Well, thirteen clubs from the first and second league are now tied into a probable bankruptcy situation.  Even clubs in the lesser leagues are discussing their financial situation.  FCK out of Kaisersluatern is one of those with dire finances.

7.  The one industry that I don't see coming back in 2020 (remainder of the year), is the travel industry (airlines, hotels, etc).  Over the past week, if you watch German news nightly.....various hotel managers are talking over a dismal situation facing their 'empire'.  One Bavarian manager showed his reservations listing for the summer months, which ought to have several thousand rooms rented out over the 90-day period, and it was basically a zero-sum situation.

Attached to the hotel industry, if you think about it.....various cooks and house-keepers. 

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