Sunday, April 19, 2020

Germany and the Coronavirus: 19 April 2020

1.  Deaths:   4,288  Infected:   140,450 (Focus numbers).

2. There was supposed to be a continued 'ban' on larger stores opening up. in Hessen, they evaluated the situation....realizing that some other states are allowing the big stores to open under high-hygiene conditions.  So the relaxation period is to occur on Monday....if you have a store bigger than 800 square meters.  The Pfalz is doing the same basic thing. 

The key quote here:   "separation of the sales area must be "unmistakable and clear" for the customers."

Also, there can't be more than one customer for each 20 square meters of space.

3.  The telephone consultation 'rule' that allowed you to phone your doctor....describe your symptoms, and get a sick-slip or virus-test?  That's supposed to end tomorrow....unless the government extends the waiver.

4.  Germans are actively reporting on their neighbors for violations of the social ban business.  Several folks in Bavaria were noted for bar-b-q events with friends and associates....with the cops issuing a violation 'ticket'.

5.  The Economics Minister (Altmaier) has said 'no' to the idea from the Finance Minister for increased taxes during this period.

6.  Wolfsburg added the mask rule.....if you are in a public area (bus, sidewalk, tram) have no choice but to wear a mask.

7.  The Bundeswehr (German Army) normally conducts 'boot-camp' in cycles.  The present cycle is being postponed.


BerlinGuy said...

Over here in our rather large American expat community in Berlin I have noticed much the same. I credit NPR (KCRW from CA) with playing the role of CNN. No matter what time of day or night you turn on the radio it is TDS and doom and gloom non-stop.

There are a few of us who remain "normal" in that our lives have not become obsessed with getting rid of Orange Man Bad and the evil conservatives. For the record, I considered Obama to be a very terrible leader but managed to not let him live in my head but rather worked toward the next election which brought us "The Donald" instead of America's ex-wife!

I tend to let the majority live in their echo chamber and just grin and am waiting for the day after the election in November. I suspect I will spend hours looking at the "election porn videos" on YouTube and wonder when everyone is going to leave planet Earth as promised if the Donald is reelected.

Really enjoy your blogs. First thing reads most mornings.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Thanks for the words.

I do try to stay neutral on politics....showing both sides. The level of comedy....suggesting one person is Jesus and acceptable, and another is Satan and unacceptable....reminds one of the Monty Python comedies.