Thursday, April 16, 2020

Picture Story

Around a week ago, there was this picture shot by a HR (Hessen public TV network) reporter. 

The Health Minister (Spahn) and around five associates (the Hessen Premier-President was one of the guests) had arrived at a Giessen visit with doctors treating virus folks, look at priorities and get opinions. They met at the ground floor, and entered an elevator (it was your typical German hospital elevator....big enough for 15 people).  Crowded into the elevator with least four medical staff.

So the picture is taken of this tight space.....11 people....all wearing masks, and the suggestion is.....a bad hygiene situation.

This image has been blasted around Germany for a week now, and everyone has focused on this.

The police?  They've actually received 7 lodged complaints that violations of good order occurred with the 11 on one elevator.

Are there elevator 'bans'?  No....not exactly.  No one has said that a elevator is limited to the 1.5 meter distance rule.

A fine?  Well....the complaints and police report will go to some judge.  Then he has to decide if all 11 violated some rule, and if the max fine (5,000 Euro) is warranted.  I have my doubts that it might go to that level.  They might get a fine of 50 Euro just to assure the public that they were all 'bad-boys'. 

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