Sunday, April 5, 2020

The 'Second-Wave-Scenario'

This has come up twice that I've noticed via German news programs or public forums.  The guest would go past the question, and inject this theory on the 'second-wave', and the moderator would stop them about 60 to 90 seconds into this....moving them back to the original question.

The angle of this 'second-wave' discussion is this.....warm weather (in theory, but unproven) would harm the little virus 'critters' and spring/summer would result in lesser infections....thus fewer deaths.  But this would lead onto a October-November period where the infection would start back up.  The blunt part of this discussion is that people would slowly put their lives back in order....get some confidence, and the economy would go back into '2nd-gear'...easing forward.

Then the virus would return in the fall, and break down the economy once again.  Banks, major business operations, car manufacturing, and civilization would take a huge fall....once again.  For some folks....the stress and reality would be too much.

Potential of this theory?  No factual data exists to prove the virus will go away in warm weather.  Flu's do decrease as warm weather approaches....that's the only fact that connects to this.

If you were a second-wave believer? things improved in July and'd still be there at the grocery buying toilet paper in bulk (improving your stock to 300 rolls in the basement room) and refusing to be enthusiastic about the improving numbers. 

At some late summer, the journalists would start to proclaim you (the second-wave enthusiast) as a 'denier'.  Criticism would mount, and you'd be ridiculed for weeks and weeks.  Then around November, this criticism would start to disappear, and people would suggest that maybe you were right.

This is a whacked-up scenario to be worried about, but a lot of normal things don't exist anymore.  Some Germans will tell you that they might have some pain or some health issue....but now refuse to get doctor's appointments because they fear they might in a waiting room with Corona-folks.  Some Germans are now buying bulk in flour....even though they might only use 2 KG in a normal year.  Some Germans are intentionally turning off their TV at 8 PM because they are sick of Corona news or news 'extras' (as the public TV guys call it).  

A path has developed in this 'woods', and you have no idea where the path leads, or what will lay along the path.  But because of the 'dead-shark' theory (a shark must always maneuver or travel forward, and if it ever's because it's dead), we aren't stopping in the woods or thinking that much about the circumstances.  

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