Saturday, July 11, 2020

Corona Chatter

About every week now in Germany, there's some bit of Corona discovery which comes out and lays down another path on treatment or limiting the effect. 

I noticed this morning via SWR (public TV from the SW of Germany) that the Heidelberg University Hospital had done some reviews of autopsies from dead Covid-19 Germans.

So it's curious what they found.....there's mini blood-clotting going on in the lungs at the very start of the disease.  There's damage done at that point to the Alveoli. This is the part of the part that takes oxygen in and exchanges for carbon dioxide particles.  In simple terms, it's like the air-intake of your car, and the blood-clotting is going to limit oxygen the point that you will expire. 

Their key final observation....if you do ventilation on a has to be at a limited rate. 

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