Friday, May 14, 2021

Total Taxes on Gas in Germany in 2021

 So you you look at gas prices on 1 January 2021 which was around 1.20 Euro per liter (it's way above that level in the past 100 days):

Sales tax: 19.16 Euro cents

C02 tax: 7 Euro cents

Oko-tax: 15.4 Euro cents

Oil-tax: 50.01 Euro cents

So when you look at the pricing.....roughly 75-percent of the fuel price is related to the four taxes.

Enticing you to E-cars?  Well....if you were charging off the grid, there's more than enough electrical taxes to get your attention.  Although....if you were solar-generating all your power at the house and avoiding the'd avoid all the taxes (at least presently).


Claudio said...

Do not worry, a precedent exists, during Middle Ages England imposed tax on number if windows also on number if chimneys a house has, i do expect the self generating power to be taxes in the future in a similar fashion…

Schnitzel_Republic said...

It probably has to occur. I know of one house in my village that must have at least thirty panels on the house/garage. Maybe in the winter's just providing 40-percent of the power for the house and perhaps one E-car. But the rest of the year....probably in excess of 100-percent covered.

I expect from early 2022 to early 2026 (with the Greens in charge), there's probably 1,500 Euro a year that will be taken out of the family budget each year. I have no idea how they will consume the money...probably more bike trails. On airline tickets to Thailand or the US, I expect at least 150 Euro added in C02 fees, and it'll be nearly impossible to fly from Frankfurt to Berlin (without landing in Prague for a leg-trip).