Saturday, September 11, 2021

Topics That Aren't Openly Discussed

 For this 2021 German federal election....there's a lot of chatter going on, but you tend to notice three topics never mentioned by the various candidates or the journalists.

1.  The inflation rate.  In mid-July, the rate was assessed at 3.8-percent.  Most expect it to close in December at 5-percent or more. 

There's not a lot that the top three parties can say or do....except just ride the rate out, and hope that 2022 is better.

2.  Debt is growing.  It doesn't matter if you go talk about business debt, personal debt, or governmental debt.  Covid has had an enormous influence on the business model that was considered normal.

3.  Finally, to the evil topic of tax revenue going up.  Just about every single German expects taxes to rise in matter who the winner of the election is.

When you add these three's an economic nightmare, and hinders any real trust that things will improve in 2022.

So the politicians try hard to avoid the topics, and just pretend they don't exist.

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