Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Amberg Aftermath

It's now been four days since the Saturday evening episode with four refugee gentlemen (ages 17 to 19) got into a fighting stance and injured a dozen Germans near the Bahnhof in Amberg.  No one argues about the fact that they were mostly drunk and probably not realizing the assaults they were committing.  On the positive side, it appears that no one is permanently hurt by the 'bad behavior', and the four gentlemen were lucky that some German ruffians didn't respond and put the four into the hospital.

But folks have now had time to review the whole matter, and politically, it's charged up the atmosphere a good bit.  The local mayor, if you follow the various comments he's a bit angry that these 'outsiders' basically came into his town, and none of part of the network system of refugees or migrants from Amberg.  The local city (44,000) has attempted run an orientation program and ensure that stupid 'bad behavior' incidents like this doesn't occur.  But they can't prevent these guys from entering the city.

Other responses that you notice is the commentary by people that once you do something stupid like this (drunk, disorderly, and assaulting people).....there shouldn't be any hesitation to detain and deport them.  In these responses, people are suggesting that you be removed from society, locked up until the paperwork is done, and just deported.

The sad thing here is that tons of money and man-hours are put into various programs to get young migrant men to some point of understanding the general rules of civilization in Germany.  For 90 to 95 percent of the crowd, either good behavior alone, or the program itself....makes a difference. But then you have that small group who are young, without real maturity, and behaving like 12-year-old kids with no respect.  They trigger negative criticism, and make it bad for the rest.

What'll happen here?  I think the four guys will claim that the alcohol had some effect on them, and they don't remember much of anything.  My gut-feeling is that each will have to face some judge and witnesses, and draw a minimum of a year in some prison, and after that....they will be deported.   In some ways, it's fortunate that some German didn't get hyped up and just clobber them after they'd assaulted two or three in the station. 


Terrekain said...

"In some ways, it's fortunate that some German didn't get hyped up and just clobber them after they'd assaulted two or three in the station."

Yeah, you're definitely part of the problem. Well, if that's the actionable theory at work on the street, those Germans will get what they deserve.

Refusing to fight in the face of criminality isn't "Enlightment".

It's "Barbarism".

In short, you're a Barbarian.

A Civilized society would have beaten, if not killed, these ruffians. Yes, "killed". "Proportionality" is a false premise in combat, and any civilized person would understand "proportionality"'s unenforceable nature as a delinquent's attempt to twist meaning to enable barbarians.

People like you are the pre-requisite cultural component of a barbaric society - you are the Source of it. You encapsulate that culture; it needs people like you to survive and spread. It IS you, just as any culture flows from its people - so this barbaric culture will follow barbarians wherever they go.

Similar places in America have also fallen victim to your kind of people - and have suffered the same fate.

And where such people are able to propagate, those places have also gotten their just, inevitable downfall into barbarism.

But those places who have actively practiced self-defense and exclusion of barbaric people (intentionally mislabeled such things as "discrimination", "racism", "bigotry", etc) have civilized societies that will continue to endure.

A look at demographic and crime maps is easy to look up these days, No?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

A German crime map (which rarely gets thrown up in the news)...typically shows urbanized areas (like Frankfurt or Essen) as a magnet for crime/assaults/trouble. I think in general, even fifty years ago in Germany, the 'urban magnet' theory would have held true then. It's just that now you have rural regions within the country which you'd categorize as ultra-safe and ultra-crime free.

The intellectual-class Germans will hype the fight against xenophobic scoundrels and discriminatory practices. This puts fear into people because they don't want to appear xenophobic or discriminatory. The draw to the AfD Party was that as a 'group', you draw strength, and push back against what you perceive as wrong.

The big political 'solution' that got hyped for 2018....10,000 more police hired nationally. Yet there is suggestion that it'll really do much other than put 10,000 more cops into a position of frustration that the prosecution/court system won't go through with their part of the job.

All of these issues lead onto some 'big-day' coming down the pike where radical elections shock the heck out of journalists and intellectuals.