Saturday, January 5, 2019

Hack Update

I sat last night watching German public TV news (8 PM and 9:45 PM), and its amazing the amount of hype over this hack of the Bundestag internet system.  They must have interviewed at least a dozen various political folks, who were all falling on the floor, in massive frustration...'how dare someone go and hack us'.

It was an amazing 'theatrical' show.  And sitting there at home, at least half-a-million Germans who've been hacked at home or in their private business over the past twenty years, and showing NO sympathy for the political hack. 

The journalists went to the standard questions....who knew what, and when.  Then the question of who told Chancellor Merkel and her reaction (kinda like tell the bakery lady that the coffee machine is broke). 

I imagine by the middle of next week, a massive government investigation theatrical piece will start up.

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