Saturday, January 26, 2019

Bridge Story

It's a short six-line type story via a number of news groups in Germany, which ought to be of concern to most all Germans.

The Transport Ministry has spoken up on Friday and said in a clear manner....that of the 39,600 bridges that are federal responsibility (not state or local responsibility).....that 12-percent are in a serious condition and need renovation or replacement. 

Statistically, it means if you passed over 16 federal bridges today going and returning from least two of them were leaning more toward failure, than leaning toward safe.

It ought to bother a lot of Germans, but what you end up with is a priority list and x-amount of funding.  So each year comes up and contracts are given out to replace the worst-case bridges.  And to be honest, that only covers the federal bridges (mostly related to autobahns or federal roads). 

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