Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Court Story

Back around five years ago, there's this couple from north Germany (around the Bremen region), that packed up and went south....into Syria. Yes, the husband was a Isis-volunteer.  The wife came with him....with two kids, and in the past five years....had another kid with the guy.

The guy?  Passed on. 

The wife and kids?  Sitting in a prison camp in Syria. 

German law created what they felt was a fair solution....they'd allow the kids to come back to Germany, but the parents (in this case, the mother) couldn't return.

Well, it's been in the court system for months, as being unfair, and today....the court finally said 'enough'....the mother can return with the kids.  It would not be fair to dismantle the whole family.  The Bundestag is ordered (by the court) to rewrite the law in this case. 

Is the woman a Isis-player?  Unknown, and the news media isn't going to ask that question.  My guess is that by the husband's authority....she had no choice but follow him into Syria.  The woman is a German citizen, and if that weren't the'd probably have a slightly different outcome.

Some might suggest it's going to create a problem, especially if she turns out to be fairly anti-German or pro-Isis at this point.  My advice is that they probably need to open the door to enter.....with the next six months spent in some quiet rural setting of northern Germany....some farming community, and provide psychological assistance.  The truth is....she may be fairly negative about all this war business, and the experience might have flipped her attitude about male domination. 

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